Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saw this on FB

This is pretty sweet I missed the premiere at fidna skate shop because huge crowds freak me out I'm sure it was amazing.

Heres a clip of Andre from the park.

Anyways I found a box of tbc shirts when I was cleaning the garage, if anyone is interested in snagging one hit me up. Also I will most definitely be getting some die-cut tbc stickers made soooo you can swag out your whip. Holler at ya boi. Do you guys check the site anymore? debating on weather I'm going to start updating like crazy or not.


  1. I check the site pretty often. I didn't know Savage South a blog back up, though, until recently. I've been in Nashville, TN for a while working. Jeremy is coming up later today, so we're going to try to make an edit or two happen this weekend!

    I would be down for a sticker or shirt; I can pay.


    I never update my Blogger thingy.

  2. P.S.

    Nano is ridiculous. I send my congrats to his growing skills. And I really wish I could session your guys' park again in non-deadly weather and with more energy.
